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Over 20 pupils from Benfield School in Walker sat on seats on stage performing De Rosas watched on by four Fertile Ground dancers.

schools & community groups 

Fertile Ground has an exceptional reputation regarding our participatory programmes and a history of working with schools, colleges and community groups. Dance is a wonderful way to get people to live fun, creative, healthy lives. In our workshops participants learn existing choreography and work together with Fertile Ground dancers to create something of their very own. Children and young people build their confidence and self-esteem by performing for others and meet inspiring young, local role models, like our dancers. 

Bronze Arts Awards
Arts Award is a national qualification that celebrates young people’s participation and leadership in the arts. As part of the programme they experience the arts as audience members, learn new skills as participants and share their experience with others. For more information on the Arts Award go to  


Our 2023 workshops are an opportunity to work closely with Fertile Ground artists on projects based on our current production: Play, pause, repeat.

This year's offer is aimed at participants across schools, colleges and community groups to creatively explore our programme by engaging with movement and stories in new and innovative ways.

The sessions, tailored to each group’s needs range from a 2 hour workshop to a week-long residency. 

For more information about our engagement programmes and how to get involved contact



We are always looking to expand on our existing partnerships and establish new collaborations that bring us closer to our shared goals. Together we can create inspirational performances and opportunities for young people, participants and audiences to experience dance across the North East, making it the place for dance. 


We have well established relationships with the region’s universities and colleges: Sunderland, Northumbria and Newcastle Universities, Newcastle College and Sunderland College where we are proud to be an Associate Company performing at the Arts Academy. We return each year to Benfield School in Newcastle and to Bede Primary School in Gateshead with creative residencies and performances with and for the pupils. We work with community and theatre groups including the Liberdade  Community Development Trust in Gosforth. 


If you're interested in partnering with us, get in touch to discuss your ideas and needs.



The dancers from Fertile Ground are superb role models for our young people, our pupils gained invaluable experience and were motivated and inspired by your performers”. 

Carolyn Sayer

Progress Manager, Benfield School

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